Did you know? Back pain is one of the MOST common injuries seen in CrossFit. Maybe you could've guessed. Either way, it's pretty darn important to know how to address it when it happens OR hopefully prevent it from happening ever in the first place!
Here in Bountiful, Utah we have SO many amazing CrossFit gyms, and regardless of amazing coaching it's near impossible to stay away from the occasional injury. That's where Body Better Physical Therapy comes in - here we address back pain by identifying the root cause and keep it from coming back!
One of the biggest things I see with back pain is not enough glute action, meaning we can literally work on making your butt muscles bigger and your back will feel better! How awesome! If our big glute muscles aren't doing enough, the back muscles and/or the lower leg muscles are going to be picking up the slack - and let's just face it. Our glute muscles are big for a reason! The bigger the muscle, the bigger the use!
Here's one exercise to find your glute muscles if you're not sure what that feels like to use them:
Then, the next step once you've found your glute muscles is to work on elongating and USING your glute muscles in a hinge motion appropriately - if you haven't noticed, CrossFit is VERY hinge heavy! Here's a "rock back" motion that is great for this:
Done with that and want more? Come join me for a whole hour dedicated to
Bulletproof Your Back
taking place
Saturday, April 6th, 10:15am at
Wasatch CrossFit Race (803 N 1250 W UNIT 2, Centerville, UT 84014)